CoinTide Terms of Use

  1. CoinTide ( is an information intermediary service platform (hereinafter referred to the “Platform") that offers users digital asset trading and associated services. The Platform extends its services to users registered with the Platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Users") in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement (defined below), thereby establishing a legally binding agreement between the Users and the Platform.
  2. Users must carefully review and decide whether to accept or decline this Agreement. Unless a User accepts all the terms and conditions outlined herein, they are not permitted to utilize the services provided by the Platform. If a User disagrees with the terms of this Agreement or rejects the Platform's unilateral right to amend this Agreement at any time, they must immediately discontinue usage and refrain from accessing the Platform. Registering as a User or utilizing the Platform's services signifies full understanding and acceptance of all terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, including any future amendments the Platform may enact.
  3. For the sake of clarity in this Agreement, the Platform is collectively referred to as "we" or other applicable forms of first-personpronouns in this Agreement. All natural persons and other visitors who log onto this Platform shall be referred to as "you" or any other applicable forms of the second-person pronouns. You and we are collectively referred to as “both parties”, and individually as “one party” herein.

Amendment of this Agreement

  1. We retain the right to modify this Agreement periodically, with such modifications being disclosed through announcements on thePlatform without sending separate notices to you regarding your rights. The date of the amendment will be stated on the initial page of the updated agreement. Upon announcement on the Platform, the revised agreement becomes effective immediately. You are required to periodically review this Platform and stay informed about any amendments to this Agreement, including their timing and content. Should you disagree with the modifications, you must promptly cease using the services provided by this Platform. Continued use of the services signifies your acceptance and agreement to be bound by the revised agreement.


  1. By completing the registration process or utilizing the services of this Platform in any permitted manner, you confirm and assure that you possess the legal capacity as a natural person, legal entity, or any other organization, as stipulated by relevant laws, to enter into this Agreement and to utilize the services provided by this Platform. When you click the registration button, it is understood that either you or your authorized representative agrees to the terms of this Agreement, and your authorized representative will proceed to register with this Platform and utilize its services on your behalf. Should you lack the aforementioned legal capacity, you and your authorized representative shall bear full responsibility for any consequences, and the Platform reserves the right to terminate or permanently freeze your account, holding both you and your authorized representative accountable.
  2. By agreeing to register, you commit to providing a valid email address, mobile phone number, and other necessary information as outlined on the user registration page of this Platform. You may use either the provided email address, mobile phone number, or any other permitted method to access this Platform. As required by relevant laws, regulations, the Privacy Policy, and anti-money laundering provisions, you must furnish your real name, identity card, and any other mandated details. It is imperative to keep your registration information up to date, ensuring it remains accurate, comprehensive, and timely. The information initially inputtedwill serve as your registration data. You are solely responsible for the authenticity, integrity, and accuracy of this information, and you shall bear any direct or indirect losses or adverse consequences resulting from its inaccuracy.
  3. If the laws, regulations, rules, orders, and other regulatory documents in your sovereign country or region mandate that mobile phone accounts must be registered under real names, you affirm that the mobile phone number you submit for registration has undergone the real-name registration process. If you are unable to provide such a mobile phone number as mandated, any resulting direct or indirect losses and adverse consequences affecting you shall be your responsibility.
  4. Once you have provided the necessary registration information in a legal, complete, and valid manner, and it has successfully passed relevant verification, you will be entitled to receive an account and password for this Platform. With the acquisition of these credentials, your registration will be considered successful, allowing you to access this Platform as a member.
  5. Additionally, you consent to receiving emails and/or short messages sent by this Platform pertaining to its management and operation.
  6. You acknowledge and understand that if you are required to attain verified merchant status with us subsequent to completing your registration as a general user, you will be required to provide further materials and information for merchant registration. These materials and information may encompass, but are not limited to, your telephone number, WeChat account, telegram account, proof of revenue, prior experience in transactions on this Platform or other OTC exchanges, risk control strategies, and any other information and materials that we consider necessary and as mandated by applicable laws.
  7. To register as a verified merchant, a portion of your digital assets will be locked in your OTC account as a security deposit to safeguard the integrity of transactions in which you are involved. It is imperative to note that during the course of these transactions, you shall be precluded from transferring or withdrawing the locked digital assets.
  8. You acknowledge and consent that in the event you, as a verified merchant, are found to be liable for any damages, losses, or other payments arising from any transactions, and you fail to fulfill such obligations, we reserve the right to utilize your security deposit to compensate any affected third parties for the damages, losses, or payments you are obligated to cover, in accordance with applicable laws.
  9. Upon successful completion of the verified merchant registration process, we will furnish you with a verified merchant logo, distinguishing you from other users who have not completed the verified merchant registration.
  10. You retain the option to submit a cancellation application to this Platform to revoke your verified merchant status. Upon receipt of your application, this Platform will process it within 3 business days, provided there are no outstandingdisputes with third parties or previous adverse records. If such conditions are met, your security deposit will be unlocked.


  1. This Platform solely operates as an online transaction platform facilitating digital asset trading activities for users (including but not limited to digital asset transactions). We do not engage in digital asset transactions as a buyer or seller. Additionally, we do not offer services related to depositing or withdrawing legal currency of any country.

Content of Services

  1. You are entitled to access real-time quotes and transaction information for digital asset products on this Platform, submit digital asset transaction instructions, and execute digital asset transactions through this Platform.
  2. You have the privilege to view information within member accounts on this Platform and utilize the functions provided by this Platform.
  3. You have the authority to participate in Platform activities organized by this Platform in accordance with the rules of activities posted on this Platform.
  4. Other services pledged to be provided to you by this Platform.

Service Rules

You agree to adhere to the following service rules of this Platform:

  1. You are obligated to abide by the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, rules, and policy requirements. Furthermore, you must ensure the legality of the source of all digital assets in your account and refrain from engaging in any illegal activities or other actions that jeopardize the rights and interests of this Platform or any third party. Such prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, sending or receiving illegal or illicit information, infringing on the rights and interests of others, participating in pyramid schemes, disseminating harmful information or remarks, and unauthorized use or falsification of the email header information of this Platform, among others.
  2. You are required to comply with applicable laws and regulations and to responsibly utilize and safeguard your account on this Platform, including your login password, financial transaction password, and the mobile phone number associated with your account that you provided during registration, as well as the security of any verification codes received via your mobile phone. You shall bear sole responsibility for all activities conducted using your account on this Platform, along with your login password, financial transaction password, and mobile phone verification codes, including any resulting consequences.
  3. In the event that you discover unauthorized access to your account on this Platform, your login password, financial transaction password, or mobile phone verification codes, or encounter any other security-related issues concerning your account, you must promptly and effectively notify this Platform and request temporary suspension of services to your account. This Platform reserves the right to respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe; however, it shall not be liable for any consequences arising before such action is taken, including but not limited to any losses you may incur.
  4. You are prohibited from transferring your account on this Platform to any other individual through donation, lending, leasing, transfer, or any other means without the explicit consent of this Platform.
  5. You consent to assuming responsibility for all activities carried out using your account and password on this Platform, which may include but are not limited to, disclosing information, releasing information, approving online clicks, submitting various agreements on rules, renewing agreements online, or purchasing services.
  6. During your digital asset transactions on this Platform, you are prohibited from maliciously disrupting the normal course of digital asset transactions or disrupting transactional order. Additionally, you may not employ any technical or other means to interfere with the regular operation of this Platform or impede other users from utilizing the services. Furthermore, you are prohibited from maliciously tarnishing the business reputation of this Platform based on falsified facts.
  7. In the event of any dispute arising between you and another user regarding an online transaction, you are strictly prohibited from seeking recourse through any means other than judicial or governmental channels to request this Platform to provide relevant information.
  8. You are solely responsible for all taxes payable and all fees associated with hardware, software, and services incurred during your use of the services provided by this Platform.
  9. You agree to comply with this Agreement and any other terms of service and operating rules that may be released by this Platform periodically. You reserve the right to terminate your usage of the services provided by this Platform at any time.

Product Rules

  1. You agree to adhere to the following transaction rules when logging into this Platform and engaging in transactions with other users:

Viewing Transaction Information

  1. When viewing transaction information on this Platform, it is imperative that you carefully review all the content provided, including but not limited to the price, consignment, handling fee, buying or selling direction. You are required to fully accept all the contents contained in the transaction information before proceeding with the transaction by clicking on the designated button.

Submission of Commission

  1. Upon reviewing and verifying the transaction information, you may proceed to submit your transaction commissions. Upon submission of the transaction commission, you authorize this Platform to act as your broker for the corresponding transactions. This Platform will automatically execute the matchmaking operation when a transaction proposal aligns with your price quotation, without providing prior notice to you.

Accessing Transaction Details

  1. You have the ability to review corresponding transaction records in the transaction statements through the Management Center, enabling you to confirm your own detailed transaction history.

Revoking/Modifying Transaction Commission

  1. You retain the right to revoke or modify your transaction commission at any time before the transaction is concluded.

Rights and Obligations of this Platform

  1. If you do not meet the registration qualifications as agreed upon in this Agreement, this Platform reserves the right to deny your registration. If you are already registered, this Platform retains the right to revoke your member account and may hold you or your authorized agent accountable. Additionally, this Platform reserves the discretion to determine whether to accept your application for registration under any other circumstances.
  2. Should this Platform ascertain that the user of an Account is not the original registrant of said Account, it reserves the right to suspend or terminate the user’s access to that Account.
  3. If, through technical testing, manual sampling, or other methods, this Platform reasonably suspects that the information provided by you is incorrect, false, invalid, or incomplete, it reserves the right to notify you to correct or update the information. Additionally, this Platform may suspend or terminate its provision of services to you.
  4. This Platform retains the authority to rectify any information displayed on this Platform upon discovering any apparent errors in such information.
  5. This Platform reserves the right to amend, suspend, or terminate the Services provided by this Platform at any given time, and holds the right to modify or suspend the Service without prior notification to you. In the event that this Platform terminates one or more of the Services provided, such termination will be effective as of the date of announcement of such termination on the Platform.
  6. This Platform shall employ necessary technical means and management measures to ensure the smooth operation of this Platform. It is committed to providing a dependable trading environment and transaction services and shall uphold the orderliness of digital assets trading.
  7. Should you fail to log into this Platform using your member account number and password for an uninterrupted period of one year, this Platform reserves the right to revoke your account. Subsequently, after revocation, this Platform may offer the member name associated with such account to other membership applicants.
  8. This Platform is committed to enhancing the security of your digital assets through strengthened technical measures and improved security precautions. It is obligated to notify you in advance of any foreseeable security risks pertaining to your account.
  9. This Platform retains the authority to delete any content and information that does not conform to laws, regulations, or the rules of this Platform at any given time. The exercise of this right by this Platform is not subject to prior notice to you.
  10. This Platform reserves the right, in accordance with the applicable laws, administrative regulations, rules, orders, and other regulatory documents of the sovereign country or region where you are based, to request additional information or data from you. It may also take reasonable measures to comply with local standards, and you are obligated to provide proper assistance to such measures. Additionally, this Platform retains the right to suspend or permanently terminate your access to this Platform, as well as part or all of the services offered by this Platform.


  1. In any event, our liability for your direct damages will not exceed the total trading fees received from your trading activities during the past three (3) months of using the services offered by this Platform.
  2. Should you breach this Agreement or any applicable law or administrative regulation, you agree to compensate us with a minimum of USD1,000,000 (one million) and bear all expenses related to such breach (including attorney's fees, among others). If such compensation is insufficient to cover the actual loss, you are responsible for making up the difference.

Limitation and Exemption of Liability

  1. You acknowledge and agree that under no circumstances will we be held liable for any of the following events:
    1. Loss of income;
    2. Loss of transaction profits or contractual losses;
    3. Disruption of business;
    4. Loss of expected currency losses;
    5. Loss of information;
    6. Loss of opportunity, damage to goodwill, or reputation;
    7. Damage or loss of data;
    8. Cost of purchasing alternative products or services;
    9. Any indirect, special, or incidental loss or damage arising from any infringement (including negligence), breach of contract, or any other cause, regardless of whether such loss or damage may reasonably be foreseen by us, and regardless of whether we are notified in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage.


The items listed above from "I" to "ix" are independent of each other.


  1. You understand and agree that we shall not be held liable for any damages caused by any of the following events:
  2. Where we have valid grounds to believe that your specific transactions may involve a serious violation or breach of law or agreement;
  3. Where we reasonably believe that your conduct on this Platform is suspected of being illegal or immoral;
  4. Expenses and losses arising from the purchase or acquisition of any data, information, or transaction through the services offered by this Platform;
  5. Your misunderstanding of the services offered by this Platform;
  6. Any other losses related to the services provided by this Platform, for which we cannot be held responsible.
  7. In cases where we fail to provide the Services or experience delays in doing so due to factors such as information network equipment maintenance, information network connectivity failures, errors in computer, communications, or other systems, power failures, weather conditions, unexpected accidents, industrial actions, labor disputes, revolts, uprisings, riots, shortage of productivity or production materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, wars, failure on the part of banks or other partners, collapse of the digital asset market, actions by government, judicial or administrative authorities, or other acts beyond our control or inability to control, or due to causes on the part of third parties, we shall not bear any responsibility for such failure to provide service or delay in providing services. Consequently, we shall not be held liable for any resulting loss you may incur as a result of such failure or delay.
  8. We cannot ensure that all the information, programs, texts, etc., contained in this Platform are entirely secure and immune from interference and destruction by malicious programs such as viruses, trojans, etc. Therefore, your decision to log into this Platform or utilize any services offered by it, download any program, information, and data from this Platform, and your subsequent usage are personal choices. Consequently, you shall assume any and all risks and losses that may potentially arise.
  9. We do not provide any warranties or commitments regarding the information, products, and businesses of any third-party Platforms linked to this Platform, nor do we offer any assurances about any other forms of content that do not belong to us. Your decision to use any services, information, and products provided by a third-party Platform is your personal choice. Therefore, you shall bear all responsibilities arising from such usage.
  10. We do not provide any explicit or implicit warranties regarding your use of the Services offered by this Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, assurances about their applicability, freedom from error or omission, consistency, accuracy, reliability, and suitability for a specific purpose. Furthermore, we do not guarantee the validity, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, integrity, and timeliness of the technology and information covered by the services provided by this Platform.
  11. Whether you choose to log in to this Platform or use the services offered is your personal decision. Therefore, you are solely responsible for bearing all the risks and potential losses arising from such a decision.
  12. We do not offer any explicit or implicit warranties regarding the market, value, and price of digital assets. You understand and acknowledge that the digital asset market is volatile, and the price and value of assets may fluctuate or collapse at any time. Additionally, the transaction of digital assets is based on your personal free will and decision. Consequently, you must assume any and all risks and losses that may arise from such transactions.
  13. The guarantees and undertakings outlined in this Agreement are the sole guarantees and statements made by us regarding the Services provided under this Agreement and through this Platform. They supersede any and all warranties and commitments made in any other manner, whether in writing or verbally, express or implied. These guarantees and statements solely reflect our own commitments and undertakings and do not ensure any third party's compliance with the guarantees and commitments outlined in this Agreement.
  14. We do not waive any rights not explicitly mentioned in this Agreement and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, reserve the right to limit, exempt, or offset our liability for damages.
  15. Upon your registration of an account with this Platform, it is understood that you consent to all operations conducted by us in accordance with the rules outlined in this Agreement. Any and all risks arising from such operations shall be assumed by you.

Termination of Agreement

  1. This Platform reserves the right to cancel your account with this Platform at any time, resulting in the termination of this Agreement as of the date of account cancellation.
  2. This Platform retains the right to terminate all services offered to you by this Platform at any time, resulting in the termination of this Agreement as of the date of service termination.
  3. Upon the termination of this Agreement, you forfeit the right to request this Platform to continue providing you with any service or fulfilling any other obligations. This includes, but is not limited to, requesting this Platform to retain or disclose any information in your former account or to forward any unread or unsent information to you or any third party.
  4. Termination of this Agreement does not exempt the observant party from pursuing other liabilities from the breaching party.

Intellectual Property

  1. All intellectual property contained within this Platform, including but not limited to Platform logos, databases, Platform design, text and graphics, software, photos, videos, music, sounds, and any combinations thereof, along with the intellectual property rights of software compilation, associated source code, and software (including small applications and scripts), shall be owned by this Platform. You are prohibited from copying, modifying, transmitting, or using any of the aforementioned materials or content for commercial purposes.
  2. All rights associated with the name of this Platform (including but not limited to business goodwill and trademarks, logos) shall belong to the Platform.
  3. By accepting this Agreement, you voluntarily transfer and assign exclusively and free of charge to this Platform all copyrights pertaining to any information you publish on this Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrights, distribution rights, lease rights, exhibition rights, performance rights, projection rights, broadcasting rights, information network dissemination rights, shooting rights, adaptation rights, translation rights, compilation rights, and other transferable rights that copyright owners are entitled to. This Platform retains the right to take legal action against any copyright infringement and seek full compensation for such infringement. This Agreement covers all content published by you on this Platform and protected by copyright law, regardless of whether it was generated before or after the signing of this Agreement.
  4. You are prohibited from illegally using or disposing of the intellectual property rights of this Platform or any other person while using the services offered by this Platform. You may not publish or authorize other Platforms (or media) to use such information in any manner whatsoever.
  5. Your login to this Platform or use of any services offered by this Platform does not constitute a transfer of any intellectual property to you


  1. All transaction calculations are meticulously verified by us, and detailed calculation methods are provided on the Platform. However, we cannot guarantee that your use of this Platform will be uninterrupted or free from errors.

Export Control

  1. You understand and acknowledge that, in compliance with relevant laws, you are prohibited from exporting, re-exporting, importing, or transferring any materials (including software) from this Platform. Therefore, you undertake not to engage voluntarily, assist, or participate in any of the aforementioned export or related transfer activities that violate applicable laws and regulations. If you become aware of any such occurrences, you agree to promptly report them to us and assist us in their resolution.


  1. The rights and obligations outlined in this Agreement shall equally bind the assignees, heirs, executors, and administrators of the parties benefiting from these rights and obligations. Without our explicit consent, you may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party. However, we reserve the right to assign our rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party at any time, provided that we provide you with thirty (30) days' notice.


  1. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, invalid, or illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain unaffected.

No Agency

  1. This Agreement does not establish, imply, or otherwise designate us as your agent, trustee, or representative unless explicitly stated otherwise within this Agreement.


  1. Our or your waiver of the right to hold the other party liable for breaches of this Agreement or any other liability as agreed upon in this Agreement shall not be interpreted or considered as a waiver of the right to hold the other party accountable for other breaches of the contract. Failure to exercise any right or remedy shall not be interpreted as a waiver of such right or remedy.


  1. All headings in this Agreement are provided solely for the convenience of wording and do not intend to expand or limit the content or scope of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Entry into Force and Interpretation of the Agreement

  1. This Agreement becomes effective when you click through the registration page of this Platform, complete the registration procedures, and obtain your account number and password for this Platform. It is binding on both you and this Platform.
  2. The ultimate authority for interpreting this Agreement rests with this Platform.
  3. Our assets are fully sufficient and backed up. We will not utilize any asset to earn interest of any kind.

Important Reminder:

  1. We hereby emphasize the following:
  2. Digital assets are not provided by any financial institution, corporation, or this Platform.
  3. The digital asset market is relatively new and unproven, and there is no guarantee of its expansion.
  4. Digital assets are predominantly utilized by speculators and have limited use in retail and commercial markets.
  5. Transactions involving digital assets are highly risky. These assets are traded continuously throughout the day without price limitations, and fluctuations in their prices can be significant due to market makers and global government policies.
  6. The Platform reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account or use of the Service, or the processing of any digital asset transaction (including any transfer of digital assets from your account to any external account not hosted by the Platform or receipt of digital assets from any aforesaid external account), at any time, including (without limitation), if it determines in its sole discretion that:
  7. You have violated this Agreement or that your provision or use of the Service in your jurisdiction is unlawful;
  8. There is extreme market volatility (which may cause underlying blockchain network congestion), as reasonably determined by the Platform;
  9. There is suspicion that any digital asset transaction is fraudulent or erroneous, or any digital assets in your account have been derived from fraudulent or illegal behavior;
  10. There is suspicion that your account has been compromised; and/or
  11. Such other instances as the Platform may deem fit, in its sole and absolute discretion, that may compromise the Platform’s rights and the Services.
  12. Therefore, it is strongly advised that you carefully assess your financial position and the aforementioned risks with clear judgment before engaging in any digital asset transactions. Any losses incurred as a result will be solely your responsibility, and we shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever. It is important to note the following:
  13. This Platform serves solely as a platform for obtaining digital asset information, finding trading counterparts, and facilitating transactions. We do not participate in any transactions, and therefore, you must independently assess the authenticity, legality, and validity of digital assets and/or information, bearing full responsibility for any resulting losses.
  14. Any opinions, information, discussions, analyses, prices, advice, and other content on this Platform are general market reviews and do not constitute investment advice. We do not accept liability for any losses directly or indirectly resulting from reliance on such information, including loss of profits.
  15. The content of this Platform may change without notice, and while reasonable efforts are made to ensure its accuracy, we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy, nor do we accept liability for any losses resulting directly or indirectly from the information provided or from any internet-related issues.
  16. Internet-based trading systems carry inherent risks, including software or hardware failures and internet connectivity issues. As we cannot control internet reliability and availability, we are not responsible for distortions, delays, or link failures.
  17. is the only official external information release platform for CoinTide.
  18. Engaging in illegal transaction activities, such as money laundering, smuggling, or commercial bribery, is strictly prohibited on this Platform. Any such activities will result in account freezing and notification to relevant authorities, with no liability assumed by us.
  19. Market manipulation, improper transactions, or other illicit trading activities are prohibited on this Platform. We reserve the right to take preventive measures, such as warnings, trading restrictions, or account closures, against such behavior. We do not accept liability for any consequences arising from such activities and reserve the right to hold relevant parties accountable.